Annie Heise
Annie Heise was born on February 22nd, 1988 at Minneapolis Minnesota USA. Animal Kingdom was her first film. Annie Heisey is an artist and educator living and working in her native city that is Pittsburgh PA. Heisey's work is exhibited throughout the nation in museums and galleries, such as The Boston Center for the Arts Website:Brooklyn Gallery located which is located in Brooklyn NY and the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh PA as well as in the collections from Clatsop Community College in Astoria OR and Arthur S. Goldberg.I employ the act of painting as an analogy for my constantly evolving way in which I perceive the world. They create depth but also reduce it while showing that they're illusions. I make use of the qualities of paint to confront viewers with the question of whether they truly understand what they're seeing in my paintings and in the physical world around them. This is the Blacklist Sneak Peek. Aram experiences a flashback to his past when he goes u...